We have now reached the end of Part 4 And Now Heidi and are moving onto Part 5 Kyle and the Beginning of Despair. This is story is separated into 12 segments, some are longer than others.
Thank you all ever so much for following along with the story and updates thus far! I appreciate all the support I've been getting and the time and effort my cast and crew have been putting into bringing My Choker to life!
If you like the story so far, please don’t forget to show the author some support. Even if you can’t give money, sharing this project is helpful on its own!
This week is a double (T/T) update. Next week is an every other day (S/T/T/S) update.
Please enjoy the bloopers for Part 4!
C.S.R. Creations (Twitter)
KP684 (Twitter)
awildkateappeared (YouTube)
I want to apologize for this blooper reel not being drawn out. I haven't had time nor the drive to really sit down to do art recently, so I wasn't able to take the time or be in the right mindset to draw this out properly.